Psalm 113 — The Yeti Version

All day, every day!

Grant the Yeti
Mar 18, 2023
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

This one is short and sweet. Very celebratory and encouraging people to celebrate all the time. For a reliable version, please see the English Standard Version.

Everyone who calls himself a follower of Jesus, celebrate him! Celebrate his character and reputation!

From now till eternity, keep it up!

24/7/365 — all day, every day. We should be celebrating him!

He is so much more important, beautiful, and weighty than all things on this earth.

Can anyone show me something or someone like him?

Can someone show me someone who has a vantage point similar to his?

He lifts the poor out of their poverty!

He brings them to the royal banquet halls to eat!

For the women who cannot conceive and are consequently ousted and seen as failures, he gives them children and beautiful homes! Praise Jesus!



Grant the Yeti

tall. talkative. I write about faith & tech. I podcast about delightful, quirky passions at my thoughts don’t represent my employer.