Psalm 59 — The Yeti Version

Do Not Destroy: Part 3 — The Pack of Wolves

Grant the Yeti
2 min readAug 31, 2021

Another prayer that feels very one-on-one. See my introduction to Psalm 57 for an explanation of the subtitle. For a reliable translation, please see the ESV version.

Get me out of this, God — or at least protect me!

Save me from these evil, bloodthirsty assassins.

Do you see them? They’re just waiting to kill me. And for what? I’ve done nothing wrong!

Nothing at all — and they still hunt me down. Are you paying attention? Come and get a closer look, God!

Jesus, you are the God among gods and the God of Israel! Time to act like it! No more delay — administer justice quickly! Be ruthless with the ruthless!

Every night they’re like a pack of wolves running rampant in my city!

They walk around thinking they’re invincible!

But I know you just laugh at them with contempt!

I just know you’ll protect me, powerful King Jesus!

You’ve always showed me patient love — I know you’ll continue and lead me to victory!

Protector God, stop them! But don’t kill them — yet. It would be more epic if you confused and scattered them first. That would be more memorable for the citizens of my city!

They’ve said so much evil and twisted stuff — I hope you make them see it was their pride that led to their downfall.

Destroy them and their disgusting lies completely — they need to understand that you’re king!

Every night they’re like a pack of wolves running rampant in my city!

Hungry and violent, they prowl.

But I will always celebrate your strong, patient love towards me. You’re always there for me!

You’re what makes and keeps me strong! You protect and love me so patiently! Thank you, thank you!



Grant the Yeti

tall. talkative. I write about faith & tech. I podcast about delightful, quirky passions at my thoughts don’t represent my employer.