Psalm 65 — The Yeti Version

You are the great gardener of the whole earth

Grant the Yeti
2 min readSep 7, 2021

The garden imagery of this one is beautiful. The second half of verse eight is tremendously hard for me to rewrite: “You make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy.” (ESV) Let me know what you think of what I wrote. For a reliable translation, please see the ESV version.

God, you deserve praise and commitments.

You are the one who listens to the whole world’s requests.

When the evils of this world overwhelm me, you pay reparations for our mistakes.

It is so good to be chosen by you to live with you. Being so close to your unique goodness is so satisfying.

It’s so awesome that you always know the right thing to do. Savior God, you are the hope of the entire world.

You made the tallest mountains!

With just a word you can calm the most raging seas or the loudest crowd.

Anything to make the world bask in your glory! The very experience of a good morning and a good night come from you!

You are the great gardener of the whole earth, attending to all the plants.

Gently and masterfully, you grow the world’s crop.

Then at the end of the year, you bring in the most abundant harvest!

All of nature celebrates with you!

The hills and the valleys practically break out in song!



Grant the Yeti

tall. talkative. I write about faith & tech. I podcast about delightful, quirky passions at my thoughts don’t represent my employer.