Psalm 76 — The Yeti Version

So to anyone who’s listening, commit yourself to Jesus and his mission!

Grant the Yeti
2 min readSep 22, 2021

I picture this as a man reminiscing around a campfire. He’s sharing with people who might not be familiar with God how awesome he is. For a reliable translation, please see the ESV version.

In God’s country of Israel, people know who God is.

He has had a house there for sometime, and often stays there.

From there, he has stopped the most powerful armies and established peace.

God, you are more beautiful, important, and wonderful than an endless supply of delicious and nutritious food!

Enraged soldiers were left with nothing to do after you stopped them in their tracks.

If you say the word, man and beast lay still.

God, you deserve to be revered! If you get angry, there’s no one who can stop you.

Even when you make an order from heaven, the whole world stops and listens.

When you’ve gotten up to do justice and save the humble, the whole earth stood frozen in awe.

I am confident that even the most powerful and most dangerous people on the earth will bow to you.

So to anyone who’s listening, commit yourself to Jesus and his mission! Give him everything you got. He deserves to be revered.

The royalty of this earth — secure as they may seem — are precarious before the King of the universe!



Grant the Yeti

tall. talkative. I write about faith & tech. I podcast about delightful, quirky passions at my thoughts don’t represent my employer.